
Stick the Landing: Why Focus is Vital in this Season of Quarantine

by | May 5, 2020 | Articles, Faith and Work, Resources

If I had a dollar for every time I’ve said, read, or heard “these are strange times,” I’d be able to take my wife out for a really great dinner; that is, of course, whenever we’re once again allowed to go to a restaurant. Indeed, these are truly unprecedented days.

The word that the Lord has deeply impressed upon me in this season is “focus.” As we deal with the coronavirus impact on our schedule and workflow, it might seem that a sparser calendar would make focusing easier. However, the distractions of uncertainty, the loss of freedom to move about, and perhaps a sense of fear can actually cause us to lose our focus.

Focus on What?

David wrote in Psalm 27:4, “One thing I ask of the Lord, this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to seek him in his temple.”

David was single-minded in his devotion to the Lord.  There was “One thing” that he desired; it was the Lord’s presence. This verse highlights two aspects of his prayer.

“To behold the beauty of the Lord” speaks of worship.

“To inquire in his temple” reminds us to seek God for wisdom, discernment and direction.

In the New Testament, the writer of Hebrews has similar instruction for us. “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith…” (12:2a). “Fix our eyes” once again speaks to “focus.” The Greek word in this text means “to consider attentively.”

What’s Your Eye Mark?

I once heard a Swedish Bible teacher use an athletic analogy to illustrate this. When a gymnast or a diver is in a tucked position spinning in mid-air, he or she has to keep a focal point or “eye mark.” This eye mark instructs them when to untuck so they can land safely and gracefully.

Does your life, your work, your ministry feel like it’s spinning out of control in these uncertain and fearful days of the coronavirus? I encourage you (and me) to focus upon Christ. Schedule it on your calendar.

Spend time in worship.

Gaze upon His beauty.

Inquire in his temple.


Let’s use this extra time confined to our homes to “seek Him.” Let’s fix our eyes on Jesus and remain focused fully on Him. That’s how we stick the landing.

Chuck Rapp

Chuck recently retired from a 4-plus decade career in both IT and quality management for a number of large corporations. He serves as Adjunct Business Faculty for Indiana Wesleyan University and Johnson University, and has been deeply involved in Perspectives on the World Christian Movement class for years. Chuck launched into “retirement” by taking on a new role with One Mission Society, helping local pastors plant new churches in East Africa.

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