What the Bible Says About Work: Integrity in Leadership
Recently, I was asked to record a series of messages for African church planting leaders about the Character of a Leader. My #1, lead topic was a no-brainer … INTEGRITY!!! Integrity in leadership is fundamental, it’s the foundation upon which all else is built. When...
Insecure Leadership Part 2: How Not to Be One
In a recent post, I unpacked some thoughts on “The Danger of Insecure Leaders and How Not to Be One.” As a follow-up, I’d like to drill down a bit further into “how not to be one.” Serving under an insecure leader is incredibly difficult. But being an...
The Danger of Insecure Leaders and How Not to Be One
In my 40+ years of experience following leaders in fields of business as well as churches and missions organizations, I’ve identified one factor that, for me, is the greatest single differentiator between a good leader and a poor one. Want to hear what that is? Hands...