
How To Be Creative – A Christian Perspective

by | Apr 23, 2019 | Articles, Faith and Work, Resources

You were created to create.

As a Christian, that’s what I believe.

I believe this because “God created the heavens and the Earth” (Gen. 1:1, NIV). And He also “created mankind in his own image” (Gen. 1:27, NIV).

So, if God created everything and He created you and me in His likeness, then it is reasonable to conclude that we were created to create.

Create what, though?

Anything that exercises our creativity.

When we create we are acting in accordance with our God-given likeness.

Here are three ways that you can exercise your God-given creativity from a Christian who is still learning how to walk in his creativity well.

1. Learn How to be Creative from Other Christians

Martin Luther once said, “To gather with God’s people in united adoration of the Father is as necessary to the Christian life as prayer.” Clearly, the great reformer put a premium on the Christian community.

Not only do we gather with our brothers and sisters in Christ to adore and worship our Heavenly Father, but we also can (and should) look to our brothers and sisters for creative inspiration. Not only in our immediate Christian community but also in the global Christian community.

More than likely, there are some members within your church that are pursuing creative endeavors. Ask them out to coffee and see what projects they’re working on. Learn what inspires them and let them inspire you.

One thing that I do is keep a “swipe file” of creative ad copy that interests me. I visit it every now-and-then when I am looking for inspiration or I want to study other writers. Consider creating a swipe file for your creative niche to study and inspire yourself with.

2. Learn How to be Alone with Your Creativity

One of the more difficult, but necessary creative tasks, is to learn how to be alone so that your creativity can blossom.

While he may not have been a creative in our modern sense of the word, Jesus did make being alone a priority for his vocation.

“But the news about Jesus spread all the more, and great crowds came to hear Him and to be healed of their sicknesses. Yet He frequently withdrew to the wilderness to pray” (Luke 5:15-16, NIV, italics mine).

Jesus set aside specific time to pray and we should set aside specific time to be creative.

One practice that I try to implement when I write papers or articles is to finish my draft and leave it alone for 24 hours. After the 24 hours has elapsed, I return to my written work to edit it and finish it.

When we give space for our creativity to flourish, our endeavors flourish as a result.

3. Teach Others to be Creative

One of my favorite stories about creativity in the bible is the story of Bezalel and Oholiab. It’s also one of my favorite stories in the bible period.

God gives Bezalel and Oholiab the Holy Spirit so that they can create designs, crafts, and other items (see Ex. 31:1-11). A few chapters later in Exodus 35, however, Scripture states that God not only gave them the Holy Spirit, so they could create but also so that they could teach others how to create (see Ex. 35:30-35).

Your creative skills and products are not simply for you to enjoy. They are also for others to enjoy.

Consider the works of Van Gogh, Andy Warhol, or Banksy. Their creativity has inspired countless others.

And if you want to exercise your creativity more heavily, be sure to share it with someone.

You were created to create. And so was everyone else.

Tyler Hanna

Tyler Hanna is Co-Founder & CEO of 8-bit Rex, a creative marketing agency in Minneapolis Minnesota geared to help you level up your marketing. You can find out more about what they do at 8bitrex.com.

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