Restoration in a World of Workism

Restoration in a World of Workism

Our world is a whirlwind. It’s in absolute chaos. Gender roles, war, family breakdown, street violence, racial tension, political polarity – you name it, it’s there. Work starts to look like an escape sometimes. I was talking with some parents of three kiddos all...
Workism and Culture

Workism and Culture

Workism is a dense cultural influence in our world today. It speaks to the American Grit – a tenacity that hard work, commitment, and ruthless perseverance can accomplish anything – a true capitalistic romance.  Workism filters into our hub display with messages such...
Workism: What If?

Workism: What If?

I was thinking today, what if we were so confident in God’s provision that we never worried about our next paycheck? What would that look like? What would that feel like?  In a culture consumed by workism and workist theology, what would it look like for Christ’s...
Workism: Working Without Rest

Workism: Working Without Rest

Working has always been a part of my life, and I thought rest had been too, for a while. Yet,  when I first came to North Central, I found that my life was far more contingent on busyness &  productivity than it was on proper rest.  There were a few factors in...

B4T: Redeeming the Time

Today, my girlfriend & I were talking about God’s impact on families. We were talking about how God can transform one person in a family and use their transformation to impact generations to come. He sets up the future of many by changing one person’s right now. ...