BAM: Redeeming the Time

BAM: Redeeming the Time

Today, my girlfriend & I were talking about God’s impact on families. We were talking about how God can transform one person in a family and use their transformation to impact generations to come. He sets up the future of many by changing one person’s right now. ...
Workism: Are You Free?

Workism: Are You Free?

Work is powerful. On its own, it’s just work, but with the Lord involved, it becomes a lot more. Workism is also powerful. On its own, it’s just a concept, but when you engage your heart with it, it becomes a lot more. Work is a function of the human creation – we...
Workism the Barrier

Workism the Barrier

In Isaiah 59, the LORD is proclaiming judgment on Israel for their wickedness. They have defiled the standards of God, the people are heaving up injustices, and even the priests who represent God to the people have been carried away into voluntary, continued sin. The...
Workism: The Wooden Idol

Workism: The Wooden Idol

Today I read through Isaiah 44-46 in my devotional study, and the LORD spends a good chunk of those passages explaining why the man-crafted idols are whack, why He Himself is great, and where Israel’s source of identity is found (spoiler alert, it’s found in being...
“The Best Day of the Year!”

“The Best Day of the Year!”

Best day of the year? What a strange thing to say about Easter. Why is Easter important? What makes it so special? I guess I wanted to find out. These “Best Day of the Year” signs were held by the greeters at my home church on Easter 2019 when I walked in for the...