How Did You Know You Were Called?

How Did You Know You Were Called?

During my years as a missionary, I loved the opportunity to speak to young people about missions. This included more than one bored youth group, a girls’ retreat in West Virginia where little girls had a gum spitting contest off the balcony above my hotel room, and...
Won’t You Be My…Neighbor 

Won’t You Be My…Neighbor 

Since resigning from my missionary appointment about a year ago (which proved my suspicion that the only truly honorable discharge from missions is getting married, but that’s for another article!), I’ve had lots of time to reflect on evangelical culture around...
Weekly Newsletter: When the Gospel Finally Becomes Good News

Weekly Newsletter: Our Antidote for Fear

I have to confess, sometimes I really wrestle with fear. I have seasons where I wake up around 4am obsessing over some business problem or financial challenge, my mind unable to fully distinguish between what is real and what I’m only dreaming. Have you ever...