BAM Careers: Stories While Teaching English

BAM Careers: Stories While Teaching English

Whether BAM careers or BAM consulting interests you, know that your current day job is a beautiful platform for the Gospel before you get there. I’m referring to the work itself, the actual act of working, serving, adding value to the lives of other people in big...
VIDEO: Business as Missions (BAM)

VIDEO: Business as Missions (BAM)

“BAM is recapturing something old, not creating something new.” Hear from Erik Cooper as he explains business as mission is not a gimmick. It’s the real deal, and we expect to see more and more of it as the days unfold, and we see the Great...
The Key to Restore What 2020 Has Stolen

The Key to Restore What 2020 Has Stolen

In light of everything going on in the world right now, we are called to do one thing: REPENT. There are a lot of “Gospel words” that we love to talk about. Words like; renew, regenerate, or resurrection, those are words we can get behind when it comes to...