The Business as Mission Ecosystem Map: A New Interactive Tool
Business as mission is a growing movement around the world. It is not our movement but the move of God through His people. In 2004, the first global consultation on business as mission took place under the auspices of the Lausanne Forum. Around ninety people took part...
Stand Outs: Creating Counter-Cultural Companies with Biblical Values
“There’s something different about this business,” the elderly woman who lived above our shop said. She made a hobby of calling the police on us. Three times she reported us before we even opened the doors to our coffee shop, her imagination running wild with fears...
Hitched Together Versus Pushed Together: BAM Integration
This article was originally published at businessasmission.com and was reposted here with their permission. The Business as Mission website is a resource library and blog developed by BAM Global. It has largely become the authority for business as mission resources...
Amy Dingman | The Power of Generosity: How Putting People First Can Increase Your Profits
Amy’s business, Remade, is not just about profits, but about investing in people and communities. Learn how she’s making a difference.